Thursday, October 4, 2018

Monster Project Unite + Inktober 2018

For the fourth day straight I have been participating in this year's Inktober! What does this mean? Everyday in October there will be a topic for which people would be able to draw and post it online.

This year's Inktober topics!
It's been intense so far and this is indeed a big challenge given that I gotta make sure I make myself the time daily to submit a new drawing. I have been pretty active on Instagram: specially in the last week or so.

I have also been participating in the Monster Project UNITE. ( Every other week a kid from around the world will submit their own drawing for a monster and people around the world will recreate it their own version of such monster. I have been part of the first two so far and tomorrow there will be a new prompt. This is far from exciting since one is excitedly awaiting for that Friday to see what the next monster is going to be.

My version of Barbara's monster

Original second MonsterProject UNITE prompt made by Barbara, 10, from Brazil

It's been some interesting couple of weeks where I've also been adding some new regular-- drawings to my Instagram account as well. I've decided I'll be taking a little longer to keep my website updated so it may be behind by a couple of weeks but I'll get there eventually. I'll probably be creating an "Inktober 2018" or "Projects" section to upload all these new creations.

On the other side, I've finally started digitizing this one comic I had partially made last year. It's a long project that I want to get to and will hopefully see the light sometime next year (yeah, 2018 is pretty much done isn't it?). I'll also be taking some time off in November and later in December but will  keep adding content as usual.
But Andres what about animation projects? I gotta get back to that! Still got the last episode of Squad 37 to finish and have to come up with an idea for an independent short film. Hoping to have more time in 2019 to tackle these ones down :)

Bis bald_ Andres

End of Summer '24

  I sometimes forget I have this blog page while life keeps distracting me constantly. But indeed this was a fun summer, I went to Europe on...