Friday, February 12, 2021

Everything I know about life & more: A coloring book

Aaaand to beging the year with hugely massive exciting news, I just released my first coloring book on Amazon ! I have no words to tell how excited I am about this. (by the way here is the link: GET BOOK )

While spending a few months with my family in Argentina, a conversation about my art and website came up during lunch time. At some point I said I should create a coloring book and well, turns out my little sister is a soon-to-be graphic designer and so she got right into making it happen. Really, nothing could have happened without her, so I'm super thankful. We got together trying to decide which drawings were going to make the cut and ended up picking 28 from the already created ones, plus two that would have needed to be drawn in the coming days. These were all drawings from the last three years, since I started my instagram account and my current website. 

At the same time, I came to know about Amazon KDP: an amazing platform where you cannot just publish your eBooks in a very simple matter but also they'll do all the work to get your paperback book ready. So I created and account, got the templates downloaded and after one month the book was ready to ship (or upload :P ) on February 8th!

This has been the best possible start of the year and cannot wait for future projects!

PS: I have also made a bunch of changes on my website recently such as adding a brand new menu, merging the inktober section into the Ink section (and removing some doodles I didn't like) + creating a new section for the book itself.

Til next time!

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